As a nationally and internationally aligned company in the natural casings industry, we are maintaining many important contacts. We have been a dedicated member in different associations for many years. The following describes 2 memberships.

The INSCA was founded in 1965. Most of the founding members were American companies. While the association developed continually, members from other countries helped improve the global representation of the INCSCA. Today, INSCA has members from a colourful mixture of companies from Europe, North and South America, Asia, New Zealand, Australia and the Middle East - there are INSCA members on every inhabited content of this planet, with more than 150 companies in total!

The Zentralverband Naturdarm e.V. (ZVN) has represented the interests of the German specialist companies dealing with the trade and processing of natural casings since 1947. The focus of the association work is in securing the quality benefits of the high-quality natural casings and unlimited food safety of the refined raw material. In the last decades, German natural casing trade has developed into a modern branch of food trading - among others in the development and consistent implementation of exemplary quality management and HACCP concepts. Another focus is formed by the close cooperation with the organisations and associations of the business partners from natural casing trade in crafts and industry. At the moment, approx. 30 companies are members in the Zentralverband Naturdarm e.V., employing about 6,000 employees in and outside of the country. Without exception, all processing operations are EU-approved with a corresponding EV number, which is indicated at every delivery of goods and ensures clear identification of the respective natural casing processing company.